The Christian Biker Headline Animator

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Welcome--please share the news

Welcome to “The Christian Biker” brothers and sisters in the wind. I began my walk with Christ in May of 2012. I have ridden for many years and lived a life that was…well, you all know, most of you have been there. You have lived the biker lifestyle, or, maybe you didn`t, but have always been a Christian rider—either way—God placed a desire in my heart to create this blog and begin a journey to reach out to other  bikers who may not have related to Christianity from other sources, or others who have tried to reach out to them. But also, this blog will be a place for those of us who have found and accepted the mercy and grace of our Lord Jesus. This will be a place where we can come and discuss scripture, news, commentary, and even some humor.

Bikers to me are some of the most awesome people. They are real. They are like modern day cowboys or Vikings. They are the salt of the Earth, and I believe God will use us—them—to reach the world for his glory.

I was reading Mathew this morning (16:13-23) and I was moved by the Holy Spirit as I read about Peter`s confession to Christ that he was the true Messiah—the Christ. Jesus goes on to bless Peter and call him his rock, he then states that he will build his Church upon this Rock. Scholars believe Christ is not referring to Peter the man, but rather, the “Rock of belief” in Jesus as the Messiah. This makes the most sense to me because Peter was human and certainly not a “Rock” to build a church upon in the literal sense; but rather, Jesus would begin to build his Church on the confessions of those who, like Peter, believed Jesus was in fact the Son of the Almighty God, and the one and only Messiah.

I think this is proven once again to be true in the next set of verses when Jesus rebukes Peter for begging him not to go to Jerusalem. He says, “Get thee behind me Satan…,” to Peter. Also, if we think about it, Jesus knew that in the coming days Peter would deny him three times while he (Jesus) was questioned, accused falsely, and beaten by the Sanhedrin and other religious leaders. Jesus was not speaking to Peter the man, but rather, he was speaking to the spirit that was behind Peter`s words. Again, I think this shows Christ`s amazing grace, love, and acceptance of us as humans. He knows us so well, he lived in our world— in the flesh—, and he understands our plight.

Finally, I love to imagine our Lord as he hung on the cross—broken, his flesh burning in pain, thirsty, crushed, and alone. He looked up to Heaven and said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” I cannot fathom the love our Lord Jesus had in his heart when he made that simple request to the Father. I imagine in my mind sometimes (as a father myself) that God was pacing back and forth in Heaven, wondering as his only son was dying on the cross, if he had done the right thing. Should he send a legion of Angles to destroy the human race altogether and bring his son home? Or, should he allow his plan to continue and be fulfilled by his only begotten son. Then, he hears his sons cry from the cross—“Father, forgive them, for they no not what they do.” Obviously, this is fiction, as we do not know what went on in Heaven that day; however, is it that far-fetched to think the Father may have been ready at any moment to reach down from Heaven in his wrath and save his son—destroying humanity and finishing off the detestable lot of beings that had spent centuries killing his Prophets and denying their words? He had already done so once before in the great flood.

We can only guess or imagine these things; however, one thing is for sure—Jesus fulfilled his mission, and we have grace and mercy from on high because of his sacrifice, death, and resurrection. The book of Revelations refers to Jesus as, “The first born of the dead,” (Rev 1:5) which gives me goose bumps every time I read it. Jesus paved the way, set the example, and was the first to be resurrected from the dead. And we will follow.

I hope you enjoyed this post. I ask you as brothers and sisters in Christ, and in the wind, to pass this blog along to friends, and your brothers and sisters. Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts, scriptures, news, runs, comments, and humor. God bless you all until our Lord returns. WP


  1. May the Lord bless you in your endeavors. You are a true brother of brothers. We need to get back out on the road

  2. Hey brother Chip, thank you for the kind words. Call me anytime and we can grab the ole` ladies and hit the road. I love ya brother. WP
