The Christian Biker Headline Animator

Sunday, March 17, 2013

`Bobble head` Jesus and other false Gods


Today my Pastor shared about Exodus 32 where Moses remained on the mountain a bit too long and his people became inpatient. I`m using laymen’s terms here folks, so for those of you who know scripture like the backs of your hand—stay with me a second.

Now, the people became so impatient that they came to Aaron the High Priest and protégé of Moses and demanded that he (Aaron) build an idol of Gold to give praise to God. Keep in mind that the lineage of Aaron was to become the priesthood of Almighty God.   

God came to Moses and basically told him to get beck down there and straighten the people out before they go too far astray. The message my Pastor was portraying was two-fold: one was that we become far too impatient with God and screw up our own miracles and destinies that God has planned for us. Two, we had better make sure we are following the Jesus of the Bible and not the Jesus we create for our own convenience.

About this time, the Pastor pulled out a “Bobble Head” Jesus and set it up on the pulpit. It was hilarious. Then he said, “Look, no matter what I say or do, Jesus shakes his head yes”! Wow…what a visual that was. What a great message it portrayed as well. I realized that when I was still in the world that is how I looked at Christians and Christianity. I felt it (Christianity) had no power or credibility. I did not know the “Real” Jesus—the one of the Bible.

Today, I know my Lord. I know my Father in Heaven, and I feel the true and humbling power of the Holy Spirit. This old, tough, hard-headed biker—who once took pleasure in punching men, fighting, and seeing who I could make soil their pants—is a big cry baby today. The sheer joy and humbling experience of feeling Gods power and His Holy Spirit always brings tears to my eyes today. And guess what…I could care less what the world thinks of me.

God says in his word, “You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend {it} on your pleasures.” - New American Standard Version (1995)

I want more of Jesus, more of God the father, more of the Holy Spirit, and I want to do more for the Kingdom of Heaven. Nothing else on this Earth matters. It is all in vain.


1 comment:

  1. Amen!!! Good words! Glad to have found this site and will share it with other!!!
