The Christian Biker Headline Animator

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Strip me down Lord

                             Photo Credit:

I was sitting contemplating the multiple failures, hurts, wounds, and disappointments that I have endured over the last 3 years of my life. By the world`s standards—I`m a failure and all washed up. On May 20th of this year I will celebrate 3 years since I gave my life to Christ. May 27th will be the third anniversary of my old club kicking me to the curb after 14 years of dedicated brainwashing (laughing).

During the low points, like I`m sure many of us do at times, I began to cry to the Lord—why? Almost every time I began to sink into despair, the Holy Spirit quickened me and I saw the passion of Christ in my mind. We have no right to expect anything more than what our Lord had in His walk on this Earth. That`s the truth. Some of our brothers and sister, especially now in the Middle East, must and will suffer for the name of Jesus.

I believe with all my heart that we are in the last hours (in God`s time) of the human existence. I believe the Lord Jesus will come very soon, possibly in my lifetime, and that He often strips those He loves of anything worldly. Now, having said that, it`s a painful process to be stripped of all of our worldly cares. But…it is vital and necessary. I believe that some Christians can retain wealth, fame, possessions, etc., and still hold the Lord as their number one concern. I also believe that God places His mighty and awesome favor on whom He wishes. However, some of us will be stripped…just as the Apostles, the Prophets, and the martyrs of God were, and continue to be to this day.

I don`t compare myself to these men and women, but I do believe the Lord has stripped me and continues to do so…and I`m coming to a place of peace with this fact.

If I have nothing to show—materially speaking—for all my life`s work…then so be it. If I never attain the goals I have set for my life on this Earth…so be it. Jesus, as far as the word tells us, never owned anything of real material value. He never really had a home once He began His ministry. He died broke in terms of the world`s view of success, yet He is the Mighty King of all creation. He is the first born of the dead.

I`ve decided that I love and trust my Father in Heaven enough that if I die broke and unknown…so be it. I only wish, at this point in my life, to tell people about Jesus. I`ve had some measurable success as a street evangelist and a writer and I`m humbled that God has used a broken wreck like me to touch lives. I was once the king of a mountain built from ego and fear…now I`m a humbled nobody that needs Jesus more than anything else. That is okay by me.

As always, I share these thoughts with the hope that someone out there needs to hear what I have to say for comfort and assurance. I have a nice little house, a lovely wife, a motorcycle, and a couple of cars. I have my health, my family, and my wonderful church family. I have many wonderful gifts from God in worldly or material terms; however, none of them are deserved or assured.

The main point I want to stress is that Jesus told us that the end would be a dark and evil time. He warned us that many would suffer for His name`s sake. The only caveat He promised us in this life was the reward of Heaven in the next life. If we are blessed with some kind of material favor in this life, we should never expect that it will remain with us or that we somehow deserve it. We should remember that in these last days we may be stripped completely of all the things we hold dear—accept Jesus. So be it.

God bless. 

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