The Christian Biker Headline Animator

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I grew up in AA. Alcoholics Anonymous was the bedrock that finally led me to Christ. In all AA meetings (at least those I have attended over a 24 year period) they say the Lord`s prayer at the end of the meeting. One verse in particular changed my life over the last year:

“…And forgive our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us…”

I had said these words in 1000 meetings or more over a span of two decades, and yet, I did not live by them. I still attend some meetings now and then. I love some of the friends I have made over the years. If it weren’t for AA I would never have found Christ. When I went through the experience, over a year ago now, of leaving the club I rode with, I had given my life to Christ, but I was still filled with anger and hate. I had years of trash built up inside me, and I had been branded in a way that I knew was false. I wanted so badly to set the record straight, but then, I realized that Jesus gave me the best example of them all.

Jesus went before Pilate and never spoke a word in his own defense. He was accused of many things that were blatant lies. He was beaten and spit on for things he never did. And yet, he never offered a word in defense of his innocence. I`m no saint, but I learned from that example that Jesus is my only defense—he is all sufficient.

I was moved to make amends to some of the people from my past. In the case of my old brotherhood, it was like walking into a den of thieves and asking to be forgiven for stealing, but I had to clean my side of the street. My amends was rejected by most, but that`s okay because it` none of my business. I did the right thing, that`s all that counts.

That was a very personal and difficult action to take. But on a larger scale, how can we ask to be forgiven if we are not able to forgive? This question haunted me. The Lord`s prayer haunted me. I began to see my fellow human beings in a whole new light. The old hate, resentments, and biases began to melt away. I was able to see that people are not the ones who hurt us, it`s the spirit that drives them that does.

I can` be angry or judge those who do to me the same things I have done to others in my past. These are all God`s children—he loves them so very much—and I respect and love my Father in Heaven, so I will respect and love his children. I will forgive their trespasses, their faults, and their actions in the same way I would like to be forgiven myself. 

Forgiveness sets us free. I am so blessed today because I am surrounded by a church body that loves my wife and I no matter what. I wear a patch today that plainly shows I serve Christ. The Bible tells us that if we walk with fools we will become fools. If we walk with men of anger and violence, we will become men of anger and violence. I spent years proving to the world how tough I was—today I want to love people, and smile, and share the joy of my Lord with the world. WP

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