The Christian Biker Headline Animator

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Walk in the Spirit not in the flesh

Hello to my brothers in the wind—some who read this may not be Christians, some have just been saved, and some have walked with Christ for decades. Me…I`m a new Christian saved by the Grace of God from a life, and a patch, that I would have died for, and almost did.

To those readers who are not Christians, you`ll find no judgment or condemnation here my brothers, for I found none from God and his Son Jesus—he simply loved me for who I was, and now, I love him for who he is, and what he did for me—Amen.

My dear brother and Pastor spoke today about walking in the Spirit and how he learned to do that as a young Christian. He told stories of how he found scriptures that spoke to him and empowered him and he wrote them down on a note and carried them in his pocket. He also wrote them in the back of his Bible and referred to them throughout the day so that the enemy had no power to steal his new Joy found in Christ.

The reason this man has been such a powerful witness to me in my life, as well as a dear friend, is because I see him live out the things he preaches. I remember when I first met him he would speak scriptures to me all the time. Over time, even though I had not read my Bible much, I found myself repeating those scriptures not only to myself, but also to others.

He would say things like: “You have not because you ask not, and when you ask, you ask amiss” (James 4:3), “My Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills” (Psalm 50:10), “no weapon formed against me shall prosper” (Isaiah 54:17). And these are only a few of the ones that come to mind. Little did I know that he was planting the seeds of God`s word into my mind—praise God for men like him.

The Apostle Paul told us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2), and to be sure, my mind needed a good washing. My mind was filled with memories of pornography, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, violence, and ego. Even though I had not drank alcohol or used drugs for many years, I was an egomaniac who held a powerful position in the club I rode with. When God surgically removed me from that lifestyle, I still wanted revenge. I was still angry. I had some payback I needed to hand out to few jerks that I felt had betrayed me in the old world. But somehow, and I`m sure my Pastor made a huge difference in that matter, I began to listen to the Holy Spirit instead of the voices of the enemies familiar spirits that had filled my mind for years. I am a truly new and transformed man by Gods word and the sharing of his word by my new brothers in Christ.  

So, today, I learned once again to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh, I must stay in prayer. I must meditate on scriptures that empower me. I must read Gods word and see it as my instruction manual for life. I know that sounds like a cliché; however, once the scales were removed from my Spiritual eyes, this old and time tested saying became real to me.

The enemy fights us in the flesh. We cannot defeat the enemy in the flesh—we can only defeat Satan in the Spirit. And that power is only available to us through Christ. I tried for a long time to out think Satan, to challenge him with my words and threaten him with my human or fleshly power. He simply laughs in my face when I do that. He knows me, his familiar spirits know me, and he knows just what to do to trigger the sins of the flesh; however, if I fight him standing behind Jesus, if I call on my Heavenly Father, if I quote scripture, or if I lean on the power of the Holy Spirit—Satan will flee! He cannot win. And I cannot fight a battle already won by Christ, but I can stand behind him in that victory. Amen.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Attraction rather than promotion in the 'Great Commission'

                                             Photo credit:

I was doing some web surfing today looking for news or commentary about Christian Bikers and I ran across a great link I want to share. I think I will add it to my blog roll as well. It gives a list of great Christian bikers sites, news, MC`s, and ministries all over the globe.

I was recently involved in an interview that was very interesting. The interview was about Christian Bikers. The woman conducting the interview was from New York and although she was quit interested in our lifestyle, she had no knowledge of the biker subculture.

At one point she asked about Christian bikers in particular—compared to “Outlaw” bikers or other clubs in general. One of my brothers answered in an interesting way, with a great perspective. He said, “Bikers make great Christians because we already understand brotherhood.” I thought, “Man, what a great answer,” and it`s very true.

One of the great blessing God has shown me about life is that our greatest tragedies, our greatest mistakes, our greatest sins can all become our greatest asset to reach a lost and dying world. I have always felt the best way to create interest by others in our faith is by attraction rather than promotion. This probably flies in the face of the traditional belief of the great commission by Jesus (Mathew 28:16-20), but I think maybe it doesn`t in reality. See, I believe the tough crowds, the gangsters, the Bikers, the street people, need more than just words—they need to see action to believe. They don`t, by nature, trust other peoples words—but they can see fruit on a tree.

I know I have been approached many times in the last 10 months about the profound change people have seen in my life. They no longer see the old man—they see new fruit on a new tree. Anyway, I just wanted to share some random thoughts today brothers.

Here is the link I wanted to share:

Sunday, March 17, 2013

`Bobble head` Jesus and other false Gods


Today my Pastor shared about Exodus 32 where Moses remained on the mountain a bit too long and his people became inpatient. I`m using laymen’s terms here folks, so for those of you who know scripture like the backs of your hand—stay with me a second.

Now, the people became so impatient that they came to Aaron the High Priest and protégé of Moses and demanded that he (Aaron) build an idol of Gold to give praise to God. Keep in mind that the lineage of Aaron was to become the priesthood of Almighty God.   

God came to Moses and basically told him to get beck down there and straighten the people out before they go too far astray. The message my Pastor was portraying was two-fold: one was that we become far too impatient with God and screw up our own miracles and destinies that God has planned for us. Two, we had better make sure we are following the Jesus of the Bible and not the Jesus we create for our own convenience.

About this time, the Pastor pulled out a “Bobble Head” Jesus and set it up on the pulpit. It was hilarious. Then he said, “Look, no matter what I say or do, Jesus shakes his head yes”! Wow…what a visual that was. What a great message it portrayed as well. I realized that when I was still in the world that is how I looked at Christians and Christianity. I felt it (Christianity) had no power or credibility. I did not know the “Real” Jesus—the one of the Bible.

Today, I know my Lord. I know my Father in Heaven, and I feel the true and humbling power of the Holy Spirit. This old, tough, hard-headed biker—who once took pleasure in punching men, fighting, and seeing who I could make soil their pants—is a big cry baby today. The sheer joy and humbling experience of feeling Gods power and His Holy Spirit always brings tears to my eyes today. And guess what…I could care less what the world thinks of me.

God says in his word, “You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend {it} on your pleasures.” - New American Standard Version (1995)

I want more of Jesus, more of God the father, more of the Holy Spirit, and I want to do more for the Kingdom of Heaven. Nothing else on this Earth matters. It is all in vain.


Friday, March 15, 2013

Sowing the seed in a field filled with rocks

                                     Photo Credit:

I was reading an article in the Daytona Beach News journal (online) and I was impressed that they actually covered the topic of “Christian Bikers” at Daytona Bike Week. The article describes a couple of old timers who have been riding to Daytona for years trying to spread the Gospel. Both men agree, the field is filled with rocks and the sowing of seed falls all too often on deaf ears; however, Jesus said in his word, “Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed” (John 20:29, NASB).

I have never been to Daytona as a Christian. I have often wondered if I would even want to go. Many in the international motorcycle ministry I ride with went this year, and some souls were saved—praise God!

I remember as I walked through Main Street in Daytona one year when I was still in the world. I was following a major player in my old club. I was his body guard. I walked the streets with a 357 stuffed in the flat of my back in my belt. We walked with the hope of finding members of a rival club that had it coming. Even though I was not living for Christ at that time, I remember praying we did not see them. It had not been long since two of my brothers had been shot and killed—I had had enough killing and fighting. Thank God we did not see their colors.

Main Street is filled with bad memories for me. I am thankful for those Christian brothers who make the journey each year to sow seeds of the Gospel. If one soul is reached for Christ—it is worth it. The men in the article spoke of how it was once a bit more unfriendly ground. Now, they say they receive more pleasant comments and curiosity. I can only hope my faith grows in this regard. I have yet to find it in my heart to want to hang out in these places. The memories are still too new to me as a young Christian.

But, if we as Christians don`t enter into those places, as Jesus himself did, who will? God bless all the Christian bikers, clubs, and MM`s that traveled to Daytona this year. I pray the seed they sowed landed on some fertile ground. Daytona truly represents what Jesus spoke of once in a parable: (Luke 8: 4-8)

 4) When a large crowd was coming together, and those from the various cities were journeying to Him, He spoke by way of a parable: 5) “The sower went out to sow his seed; and as he sowed, some fell beside the road, and it was trampled underfoot and the birds of the air ate it up. 6) Other seed fell on rocky soil, and as soon as it grew up, it withered away, because it had no moisture. 7) Other seed fell among the thorns; and the thorns grew up with it and choked it out. 8) Other seed fell into the good soil, and grew up, and produced a crop a hundred times as great.” As He said these things, He would call out, “He who has ears to hear, [b]let him hear” (NASB).

This is the only work that is worthy of our lives today as we live for Christ—to reach a lost, dying, lonely, and suffering world. WP 

Friday, March 8, 2013

The grey area of the 'Wanna be'


As Daytona Bike Week starts up today, The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart this week about the powerful witness of the Christian Biker and how we, as Christians who ride, can reach out for the Kingdom of God in ways and in places that no one else can reach. Jesus was such an example of long suffering and patience. God, the father, is a gentleman that never forces his will upon any man. He too is an example of long suffering. I love how Jesus told his followers that he only does what he sees his Father in Heaven do—we should be wise to follow that same example.

All across the body of Christ there are workers. Each one, each church, each ministry has a different calling and may reach a different culture, population, or group dynamic; however, is the Gospel different depending upon whom you share it with? The answer is a resounding NO!

I have shared a synopsis of my personal testimony on this site as to how I lived and how I once believed Christians to be weak and full of bull. I remember once when I was out west doing some business for the group I rode with and I saw a Christian MC (not an MM). I can tell you that I saw no difference between them and the other clubs who attended this meeting. Their behavior was that of a gang mentality. As I have said before, I have friends who are Christian Bikers and I have friends who are 1%`ers—I judge no man because not only have I lived the same lifestyles as many others who are not in Christ, but also, Christ gave me no authority to judge; however, I know what fruit looks like. Jesus said, “You shall know a tree by its fruit” (Mathew 7:15-20). If I see a Christian biker standing around with shades on and his arms folded like some club enforcer, I have to laugh inside.

The 1%`er is what he is and therefore lives out his beliefs—I can respect that because they are who and what they say they are. But what about the Christian clubs, MM`s, or RC`s that stand with one foot in Christ and the other in some grey area—a “wanna be” Neither the Christian nor the 1%`er can respect that. We as Christian bikers must be what we say we are!

Having said that—who are we? We are servants of Christ. We are his disciples. We are to act and live as peaceful, loving, kind, patient servants of the living God who happen to also ride motorcycles and have long beards, long hair, and tattoos.

If we ride like heathens, cuss, drink, show a tough guy attitude or any other habit from the “Old man,” we do a disservice to our Lord and to our witness. Can we be perfect? Maybe not, I`m not sure because Jesus once said “Be perfect, as your Father in Heaven [IS] perfect” (Mathew 5:48). I can only guess that Jesus believes it is possible for us to be perfect in our thoughts and behavior or he would not have said so. I do know this for certain; our witness is easily destroyed or damaged when we behave like those still in the world.

I love all my Christian and non-Christian brothers in the wind. This message if for those who say they ride for Christ. You are either a Christian biker, or not. You are either a Motorcycle ministry or a Gang. You cannot be both, but your fruit, your behavior, your persona will show the world whom you really are. If you wear a Christian patch (and believe me, some are barely distinguishable) then make sure your actions are the actions that would glorify our Lord Jesus, not your colors or your ego.


Monday, March 4, 2013

The big hole in my soul

                                        Photo credit:

I`ve met some hard men in my life. I`ve stood in front of some of the meanest bikers in the “Club” community. I`ve had guns in my face, I`ve been shot at and I`ve seen brothers die. I was once a man who used his fighting skills and power to advance my egotistical dreams and worldly goals. I was once a man of privilege and respect among my peers in that day, and I was once a man who enjoyed the fact that my presents brought fear into hearts of others.

As I came to my end in that world, as I finally found myself at the foot of the cross, as I looked down at the feet of Jesus with tears in my eyes—a broken man—I realized none of those things ever filled the hole inside my soul.

I came to learn that all I had done in my life—the drugs, the alcohol, the women, the fights, the power, the ego, and the fear—were all manifestations of a gigantic hole in my soul that nothing on this Earth could fill. Deep down under all the hardness and the bad boy persona was a scared little boy who had grown up without Daddy and in a dysfunctional family, a little boy who never knew about God, Jesus, or the Bible. This little boy grew physically into a man, but the little boy inside still demanded his way.

The bible says in Proverbs “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Proverbs 9:10, NASB). I had no fear of God, and therefore, I had no wisdom or understanding of this life, or the next.

When I was finally saved in May of 2012, I began to understand the Holiness of God. See, he does not ask us to fear Him because he is a mean God or an unjust tyrant as I once thought—we should fear Him because he is Holy, and we should fear life without him, or a life that is lived outside of His will. This is a healthy fear of God, and is truly the beginning of all wisdom and understanding as his word says.

All of the wild rides, the cheating on my wives, the chest pounding and grandiose behavior said one thing and one thing only—look at me, respect me, worship me, and fear me! All the relationships I had were based solely on the patch I wore at that time, and when that patch was gone, the years, the service, and the loyalty I had once shown meant nothing.

I had a mentor in my life at that time who was a powerful leader. I loved him and I would have given my life for him and other leaders in my group. This man taught me everything I knew as a leader in that world, and in in every sense, helped to create a monster. I had always thought that my loyalty to this man would save me if I ever got in a jam with my organization—but in that world business is business—period. My ego and my fearless pride led to a day of reckoning. This man turned his back to me and never looked back.

I was devastated and shocked that day. As I look back, I don`t blame him, he was doing his job and I had it coming. As my Christian walk grew, so did my knowledge and wisdom. I began to see that God used that man to do His ultimate will for my life. Had that man not banished me that day from my club, I would have never left on my own. God says in his word, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today” Genesis 50:20 (ESV).

I swore that day I would never again wear any another patch on my back. I would never let relationships in my life be tied to a patch, again. But, I did not yet know my Fathers will for my life. The one thing I did know was that one week prior to all this, I was saved at an Alter in a little church in the mountains. I was mad, I was hurt, but I was not alone. I felt different. The big hole in my soul was filled and this allowed me to deal with my situation like a man, and adult, and a Christian.

Over the next few weeks and months I made some dumb mistakes. I ran into old club brothers and shot them birds, made threats, and tried to disrespect them in any way I could. My Pastor was patient with me but always reminded me of who I was in Christ, and that I was no longer the man I used to be. He encouraged me to repent and pray for a change of heart.

The final realization came from a simple incident with my little dog Harley. I was riding to the dump one day and he was hanging out of my window enjoying the wind, as he loved to do. As I turned into my road my little buddy flew out into the road during rush hour and was run over by a guy. The dog was ok, just a little shook up, but I started cussing the guy and threatened to beat him up. He followed me home and I came out of the house with a gun and almost shot the guy. Then, I remembered, I had on a T-shirt that said, “It`s all about Jesus.” Wow! I had made a complete ass out of myself once again. On top of that, I had shown the world once again why they should simply ignore Christians—I was no different from any other heathen.

That day I knew, I had to get real about who and what I was. Just like when I rode with the club, I meant business and I lived like I meant business. I had to be a true Christian man and change my ways. The old man had to die. I set about the next few weeks making amends to old club members that I could reach or who were willing to listen. I humbled myself without any concern for how I looked or what they thought. Some accepted, others scoffed, but I did what my Lord wanted me to do—humbled myself and followed him.

I have many friends in the MC community, some who are Christians, and other who are 1%`ers. I respect them all. I respect their lifestyle choice and their beliefs. This is simply a synopsis of my personal testimony. Today, I wear a Christian flag on my back. I ride with a motorcycle ministry group and I only wish to serve Jesus and love my fellow man. If you have a testimony you wish to share here at “The Christian Biker,” email me at and let me know. God bless, WP.