The Christian Biker Headline Animator

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bikers and Christ: How do you witness?

I recently read an article about Pastor Tom Hughes. Tom Hughes has been riding for more than 50 years. He rides to many of the larger rallies across the nation witnessing for Christ to other bikers. I saw a story about this during Daytona Bike Week that was written in the local newspaper (forgive me but I forget which one it was). I remember feeling guilty about my total lack of desire to do this type of thing. Many of my brothers in the motorcycle ministry that I now ride with went to Daytona—I did not want to go, the memories are too fresh for me.

I spent over 14 years on the road for my old club. I missed family events, my children growing up, and many other things. Most of this was my personal choice; however, when I became a regional officer in 2008—it became my duty. I have been to many of the big runs. I was clean and sober but I still lived like a 1%`er in many ways. I was not in a 1% club, but believe me, many clubs act as if they wear the 1% Diamond whether they do or not. I respect my 1% brothers. I have many friends who wear the diamond and I respect their lifestyle. They have their way of life, and I have mine. Many of them know if they need a prayer, a flat tire fixed, or a place out of the rain…I would give it in a minute, no matter the colors.

I may never be one to go into the public and witness…I don`t know, but I know the Lord gave me an ability to write and so I write. One year ago, my life made a dramatic change:

I was riding through the streets of my local hometown today thinking about how beautiful the day was as I rode. I thought about how much I love spring –the crisp air, blooming flowers, and general feeling of “life” and renewal.

My mind faded back one year. One year ago, at this time, my life was a wreck. I was in the middle of a horrible political battle in the club I rode with for 14 years. I was a regional officer and had the ear of the highest ranking officer in the club. I was trying to get him to see that a fellow officer was using his political power for personal gain, and that he was attacking my chapter for no good reason. It all seemed so important. It all seemed to be so worthy—none of it was.

I had given a great majority of my time, my money, my family, my self-worth, my loyalty, and at one time or another I almost gave my life for this cause. On May 19th of 2012, a chapter brother of mine suggested we go to church the next morning and pray. For some reason…I agreed. On May 20th of 2012 I was saved and came to the Lord Jesus.

My life went into a spiral of events over the next few months. I was banished from my club the very next weekend after I was saved. Members that I loved and trusted for over a decade became my enemies overnight. I was lost and in pain, I wanted revenge, I wanted justice—I needed Jesus.

Time takes time, and hurt takes time to heal. Jesus can heal us in a moment’s notice…unless we choose to hang on to the past. I held onto those hurts for months. My Pastor and others close to me listened, advised, and prayed. One day, I woke up, and my heart had changed. I no longer cared about the past and I had even began to pray for my old arch enemy in the club.

It`s funny how God works in our lives isn`t it. About this time, I received a call from a chapter brother from the old club. He said that he wanted to speak to me and he wanted peace between the old club and me. I agreed, and the process of amends and forgiveness took place. Some of the members accepted my amends—others scoffed—it made no difference to me because I did what was right, I cleaned my side of the street.

Today, I fly a Christian flag on my back. My top rocker says, “Jesus is Lord.” I realized today as I rode that there is no getting around that one. As I ride today or walk in public with that flag—I represent my Lord and nothing more. It helps keep the “old man” dead. I have never been a good witness for Christ but I`m trying to learn. I know that if nothing else, my actions are a witness. If I show genuine love, respect, and concern for those around me, then I am a disciple of Jesus.

It took me about 8 months to realize that God answered my prayer that day in May at the Alter. I prayed that morning saying, “God, please remove anything from my life that stands between you and I.” He did just that, but in a way of his choosing—not mine. Praise God for his wisdom and mercy. 

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