The Christian Biker Headline Animator

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Food for thought and other ramblings from a saved biker

I was thinking about the word “judgment” recently in light of all the political attacks against Christians in the debate on same sex marriage. I`m not sure where to start because so many thoughts run through my head, but let me preface this post with a short story.

I have a dear friend who is a mighty man of God. He is doing great work in the body of Christ and for the coming Kingdom of Heaven. I respect him tremendously, and his love of Jesus is true and very real. I saw his reaction one day to a political discussion. I was not paying any particular attention to this, it`s just that as a biker, and as a man who was trained to watch people to survive, I never miss body language—I always watch things even when I don`t have to—it’s a habit. I couldn`t help but notice his complete rejection of the topic; his total lack of interest and disdain for the subject was easy to see in his body language and facial expressions. Moments later, as the conversation continued, he made the statement that he hated politics, TV, anything to do with this world. He cited a scripture referring to the fact that we are in the world but not of the world (basically, I think he meant Romans 1:2)

Now, the question in my mind is this—is that wrong? Not necessarily; however, I don`t think it`s completely responsible either. I think we have a God that made men to build civilizations and societies filled with people. In that, I also think we are supposed to use the Gospel, and our God given talents, to advance the Kingdom if possible within our society and our government, respectively.

To tie this together: my earthly human/political side tells me that Gays deserve legal protection under the law; on the other hand, my Christian faith is solid about the fact that homosexuality is a sin. On that note, so is adultery, so is theft, so is abuse, so is murder…and on…and on…

Did you ever start a diet and on the second day or so see someone eating a pile of greasy French fries and think, “How can they eat that crap?” Is it not funny how the moment we do something good, or change our behavior to something resembling morality—we begin to judge others? Pride tells us not to look in the mirror, but instead, to look at others.

I must admit, I`m confused a bit on this issue of politics and faith. God is not the author of confusion, so I must be under attack—I don`t know. What I do know is that Jesus died for sinners. I know he told us to make disciples of others. I know that he said we should love the Lord God above all things, and our neighbors as we love ourselves. I know he said I must not judge because God alone holds that authority. But, I also know I must not deny Gods word when asked. If someone asks if something is a sin—I must answer him or her in truth and in the spirit from the word of God. Homosexuality is a sin—period. The question is whether or not it is any different than the long list of sins Paul spoke of in Romans. Is it not a worse thing that they are not believers? What is worse—to be in sexual sin (or sin of any kind), or to not know Christ? How can I preach the Gospel to people that I greet with a curse?

In 1 Corinthians 5, Paul speaks about not judging those who are in the world. He basically says that it is Gods business; however, we can judge those within the body of Christ who are living in some form of sin (1 Corinthians 5:9-12).

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  1. Y'know...ive wrestled with this topic many times i the privacy of my mind and heart...closest i can come to figureing this out is that its NOT for me to pass judgement. Ive got my hands full already with my scorecard full of red ink marks so im not in ANY position to pass judgement or not on anybody else. Its pretty cool cuz it also serves to free me up of having to speak on this topic..I just leave it to the Lord and know that every individual is answerable to GOD at that appointed time and why would i let it rent space in my head...Its just a campfire circle jerk as far as im concerned..Each man is accountable for his own sins and i will leave it at that....

  2. Hey Bro,
    Yeah, I think I have covered this topic as much as I can take it--lol
