The Christian Biker Headline Animator

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Christian Biker Dating website

I was doing some surfing and I ran across this site for Christian Bikers. It promotes dating for Christian Bikers. It also has some pretty good links as well. I don`t know much about this website but it seems to be focused in the right direction, as I surfed through it. I have heard about Christian singles sites that don`t exactly measure up to Christian principles—so—this is not a direct endorsement of the site—I simply wanted to share it with my readers. The site is for those who would like to check it out.

I`m certainly no match maker, I have been legally married twice and call myself married to my current bride (we wear wedding bands as well). We found that the financial penalties of “legal” marriage would hurt our funding for college (what a shame, huh?) so we plan to officially tie-the-knot in the future.

I remember having a Christian Brother look down his nose at me when I explained this to him. He said, “You should obey God and get married.” I told him that we were every bit married in the eyes of God as anyone—we just don`t have a paper from the state saying so. I figure it like this: I was legally married twice and cheated on both my wives living as a heathen. It`s a bit late to worry about following the laws of Moses (laughing). I know God put this beautiful woman in my life, and I will be with her until the day I die. She knows it, I know it, and God knows it—that`s all that matters. Since I was saved I`m no longer a “whore-dog” so I figure I`m headed in the right direction.

Why am I sharing all this? I know my brothers and sisters in the wind. Many of you are just like me. You used to party, drink, fight, and have sex with whomever whenever. Christ came into your lives and everything was changed. Some of us were already single. Some of us had to divorce our spouses because they would not change. The Church often gives a conflicting message to believers about divorce. Now that I am in Christ, I will not divorce unless there is infidelity, abuse, or abandonment as the bible says. I do believe it is wrong to divorce for convenience even though I did it twice. I think once you are divorced and saved that the Church should not judge that. But once saved—we have to behave different and try to work things out. Like I said—I`m the example of what you don`t do so don`t think I`m an expert (laughing).

In 2 Corinthians 6:14 Paul writes, “Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?” I believe that we should find like-minded wives and husbands as we walk our new lives in Christ. Paul also tells us not to burn with lust or passion—it is better to get married (1 Corinthians 7:9).

So, I hope this will help a few of my brothers and sisters in the wind find that special Christian someone that God has awaiting you. God bless. WP

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