The Christian Biker Headline Animator

Monday, April 8, 2013

Opinion piece: Of the world but not in the world

I have been thinking lately about that statement and what it means to me personally. I have so many dear Christian brothers and sisters that simply ignore the worlds issues, America`s issues, and take this scripture to such an extreme that they refuse to confront evil.

I was beginning to believe that I should never write about politics again. I began to explore my own heart on this issue and then it hit me: “What about men like Jay Sekulow (American Center for Law and Justice) and others?” What about the many brave Christian men and women that fight the tyranny of those who seek to destroy human rights; liberty, freedom, and individual sovereignty—do we, as Christians, stand by, and watch?

I decided that I should continue to do what God has given me a talent to do, and that is to write. I will write and write and write about the injustice, the hypocrisy, and the dangers of the left and Marxist tyranny. Were our founders not men of action? Were they all agnostic? No—certainly not, many of the founders were Christians.

They came to the Colonies to escape the King. They came to escape European tyranny in the form of the Monarchs and the feudal systems that enslaved them. They believed that individual sovereignty mattered and that it was divine in nature. I think of the people of Israel when they demanded a king—they got what they asked for—Saul. And it went down-hill from there.

It`s ok for those brothers and sister that choose to stay out of the fight to do so; however, don`t judge those of us who pick up the sword of freedom and human dignity. After all, it is the human experience. Men have fought for freedom for all of human history, against tyranny of one kind or another.

We have a man in the White House that is “fundamentally transforming America” as he said he would do in his election speeches of 2008. Anyone with an ounce of intellectual honesty can find his ties to Marxism, anti-Colonialism, and radical beliefs that are counter to American principles of Republican Government. This is not Conservative hyperbole—this is factual and documented information that no one in the media cared to explore in his first bid for the White House.

We who are in our 40`s or above have lived in a free and prosperous America—we know the difference. Our children and grandchildren will suffer horribly in their lives if we do not stop this Marxist juggernaut called Obama. They will not inherit the same America we once knew and which was passed on to us by our forefathers.  

Some will say, “This is Gods will.” It very well may be his will; however, it says in his word that “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14, NASB). I feel that as a Christian, and for the sake of my family and children, I must do all I can to fight tyranny in America. WP 

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